Working With Us

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What It's Like to Work With Us

Working with Arete is unlike a traditional relationship between a CEO and a formal Board of Directors.  The role of a formal Board is to exercise fiduciary oversight over the company and its management.

Working with the Arete Advisory Board is different:

  1. Rather than fiduciary oversight, the Arete advisors serve as a sounding board and confidential advisors to the CEO.
  2. Arete’s primary role is to complement and to support, not oversee, the CEO in optimizing performance in the position and in the business.
  3. The Arete relationship facilitates informal considerations, ideations and brain-storming that reach well beyond the boundaries of traditional CEO and Board of Director interactions.
  4. The intention of the Arete advisors is to cultivate longstanding, accretive and productive collaborations with a few CEO clients that cover multiple aspects of their businesses as they evolve over time.
business meeting

An engagement begins as a collaboration with the CEO to identify the most critical ... “beyond the customary” ... steps for unlocking the full potential of the business. The investigation tracks a proven method for sorting out the truly determining factors from the active agendas in most companies. Moving forward, Arete and the CEO then turn toward specifying what the business could be in the range of thirty months out, and to what it will take to get there. That logic is then translated into an agenda of specific initiatives and actions for leadership and management, ranging from conceptual thinking to detailed decision support, with corresponding strategic and financial implications, for moving ahead.

 The entire process is carried out in regularly scheduled meetings with the Arete advisors, complemented by ongoing documentation and on-call access to Arete advisors for specific matters and issues, as they occur.

Indication of Interest

If you believe that learning more about how working with us would be helpful to you, please send an email to